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Robert Hay Carnie

This is the CV of my late father Robert Hay Carnie (1928-2007), who was Professor Emeritus at the University of Calgary. Many of his publications are downloadable from below

Biography from his 2007 obituary:

Robert Hay Carnie, was born in 1928 in Dundee Scotland to Robert and Jessie Carnie (née Skelligan) with sisters Isabel, May and Ruby. Robert Sr. was a publican and Jessie was a jute weaver. He attended the Morgan Academy in Dundee, graduating in 1946 and received an MA in English and Philosophy (1950) and a PhD in English literature (1954) (Dissertation: Lord Hailes a Study. Supervisor: Prof. Alex Falconer) from the University of St. Andrews. In 1957 he married his wife of 50 years, Jean. They had 3 children: Morag, an archivist, Fiona, a violinist and music teacher, and Andrew, a professor of linguistics.


Beloved by his students, he taught at Bedford College London, Queens College at the University of St. Andrews, the University of Ife in Nigeria, the University of Dundee, and for twenty years at the University of Calgary. He taught and researched 18th century Scottish literature, bibliographic studies, book cover design, the Scottish book trade, and the works of Samuel Johnson, James Hogg, Lord Hailes, and Robert Burns. At the University of Calgary, Bob served for 9 years in the president’s office as Secretary of the General Faculties Council. He was the editor of the journal Abstracts in English Studies. He was also the author of numerous articles and pamphlets and wrote the beautiful Burns Illustrated, published by the Calgary Burns Club.


Bob was an avid golfer, fisherman and sports fan. He loved to listen to the music of Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra. But his greatest passion, apart from his bonnie Jean, was collecting signed decorative book bindings. His extensive collection was donated to the University of Calgary in 2006. Bob was the bard, distinguished life member and past president of the Calgary Burns Club and a life member and frequent speaker at the Schiehallion Scottish Society.


Bob was a man who believed that compassion, justice and truth come from within us all, that learning and knowledge are the greatest achievements of civilization and that things of beauty are worth our time and attention even if they have no monetary value. Bob Carnie passed away September 8th, 2007. His gentle loving nature, wisdom and wit will be greatly missed by his family.

Employment and Education

Academic Training

  • 1941-1946 Morgan Academy, Dundee, Scotland (Scottish Higher Leaving Certificate)

  • 1947-1950 University of St. Andrews (M.A. First Class Honours in English Language and Literature)

  • 1951-1954 University of St. Andrews (Ph.D. in English Literature) Dissertation: Lord Hailes a Study. Supervisor: Prof. Alex Falconer

University Teaching Appointments

  • 1953-1954 University of London, Bedford College, Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer

  • 1954-1962 University of St. Andrews, Queen’s College. Dundee. Lecturer and

  • 1962-1965 University of Ife, Western Nigeria. Professor

  • 1965-1968 University of Dundee, Lecturer

  • 1968-1988 University of Calgary, Professor of English (Full Professor)

  • 1988-2007 University of Calgary, Professor Emeritus (retired)

Administrative Appointments

  • 1954-1962 Head of Department, Department of English, Queen’s College, St. Andrew’s University

  • 1952-1965 Head of Department, Department of English, University of Ife

  • 1964-1965 Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ife

  • 1965-1968 Head of Department, Department of English, University of Dundee.

  • 1974-1983 Secretary, General Faculties Council, University of Calgary

Academic Awards

  • 1950 Lawson Prize medal for best English Honours student

  • 1951-1953 Carnegie Post-graduate Scholarship

  • 1953-1954 Strathmore Cobb Post-graduate Scholarship

  • 1972-1973 Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh.

  • 1979-1980 Sabbatical Leave Fellowship. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

  • 1983 Killam Residential Fellowship, July-December.|



Books, Pamphlets, Special Issues and Catalogs

------ (1960) Publishing in Perth before 1807. Dundee: Abertay Historical Society no 6. 

------ (1961) Catalogue of the Exhibition of some Historic Treasures of the University of St. Andrews. Martinmass Term 1961. Queen’s College Dundee.

Kidd, James and ------ (1970) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1969. The Bibliotheck Supplement 1., Library Association (Scotland)

Kidd, James and ------ (1971) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1970. The Bibliotheck Supplement 2. Library Association (Scotland)

Kidd, James and ------ (1971) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1971. The Bibliotheck Supplement 3. Library Association (Scotland)

Kidd, James and ------ (1973) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1972. The Bibliotheck Supplement 4. Library Association (Scotland)

Kidd, James and ------ (1974) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1973. The Bibliotheck Supplement 5. Library Association (Scotland)

Kidd, James and ------ (1975) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1974. The Bibliotheck Supplement 6. Library Association (Scotland)

Kidd, James and ------ (1976) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1975. The Bibliotheck Supplement 7. Library Association (Scotland)

Kidd, James and ------ (1977) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1976. The Bibliotheck Supplement 8. Library Association (Scotland)

Kidd, James and ------ (1978) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1977 and 1978. The Bibliotheck Supplement 9. Library Association (Scotland)

Kidd, James and ------ (1980) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1979. The Bibliotheck Supplement 11. Library Association (Scotland)

------ and Apollonia Steele (1980) The 18th Century Book-Trade in the British Isles: An Exhibition of Books, Bindings and Manuscripts. University of Calgary Library Special Collections Division: Occasional Papers no. 6. (Catalog). download

Kidd, James and ------ (1981) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1980. The Bibliotheck Supplement 12.

Kidd, James and ------ (1983) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1981. The Bibliotheck Supplement 13.

Kidd, James and ------ (1984) Annual Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1982. The Bibliotheck Supplement 14.

------ (1986) The Kilmarnock Burns 1786 and 1986. Calgary: Calgary Burns Club. (Introductory Pamphlet to the Facsimile edition of the original Kilmarnock Burns.)

------ (1988) Victorian Book Cover Artists and Their Work. Calgary: Nickle Arts Museum (Catalog)

------ (1991) (one of 4 authors) The Evelyn de Mille Collection on the Book and the Book Arts. Calgary: Special Collections Division, University of Calgary Libraries Occasional Paper no. 9. download

------ (1996) Burns 200: A Guide for Burnsians. Calgary: Scheihallion.

------ (2000) Burns Illustrated: A Short Study of Selected Illustrations (1795-1925) of the Poems and Songs of Robert Burns. Calgary: Calgary Burns Club.


Edited Volumes & Editorial Service

------ (1972), editor. Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest volume 4.

------ (1976), editor. Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest volume 8.

------ (1980), editor. Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest volume 11.

------ (1982), editor. Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest volume 13.

------ (1984), editor. Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest volume 14.

------ (1985), editor. Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest volume 15.

------ (1986), editor. Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest volume 16.

------ and W.H. Magee (1981), editors. Abstracts in English Studies volume 24. Calgary National Council of Teachers of English.

------ and W.H. Magee (1982), editors. Abstracts in English Studies volume 25. Calgary National Council of Teachers of English.

------ and W.H. Magee (1983), editors. Abstracts in English Studies volume 26. Calgary National Council of Teachers of English.

------ and W.H. Magee (1984), editors. Abstracts in English Studies volume 27. Calgary National Council of Teachers of English.

------ and W.H. Magee (1985), editors. Abstracts in English Studies volume 28. Calgary National Council of Teachers of English.

------ (1993), editor. The Life and Works of Robert Burns, some 20th Century Perspectives. Calgary Burns Club.


Editorial Board Service: Ariel and University of Calgary Press.


Academic Papers in Journals and Books

------ (1954) A Letter from Lord Hailes to James Boswell in Holland. Notes and Queries 1.2: 63-65. download

------ (1955) Boswell’s Projected History of Ayrshire. Notes and Queries 2.6: 250-251. download

------ (1956) Lord Hailes’s Note on Johnson’s “Lives of the Poets”. Notes and Queries 3.2/3/4/8/11 : 73-75 & 106-108 & 174-176 & 343-364 & 486-489.

------ (1957) Lord Hailes’s Contributions to Contemporary Magazines. Studies in Bibliography 9: 233-244. download

------ (1957) A Missing Hailes-Walpole Letter. Notes and Queries (OUP) 4.2: 75-76. download

------ (1958) The Beauties of Magazines and an engraving of William Cullen. The Bibliotheck 1.4:40-42. download

------ (1958) Perth booksellers and book binders in the records of the Wright Calling. The Bibliotheck 1.4: 24-39 download

------ and Ronald Paterson Doig (1959) Scottish Printers and Booksellers 1668-1775: A Supplement. Studies in Bibliography 12: 131-159. download

------ (1960) Macpherson’s Fragments of Ancient Poetry and Lord Hailes. English Studies 41:1-9. download

------ (1960) Stationers and bookbinders in the records of the Hammermen of St. Andrews”. The Bibliotheck 3.2: 53-60. download

------ (1961) Scottish Printers and Booksellers 1668-1775: A Second Supplement (I). Studies in Bibliography 14: 81-96. download

------ (1962) Scottish Printers and Booksellers 1668-1775: A Second Supplement (II). Studies in Bibliography 15: 105-120. download

------ (1965) The Rae Press: two unrecorded productions. The Bibliotheck 4.5:

------ (1965) Scottish Printers and booksellers: a study of source material”. The Bibliotheck 4.6: 213-227. download

------ (1967) A Bibliography of Scottish Literature 1957-1967: A Survey. Forum for Modern Language Studies: 3.3: 263-275. download

------ (1968) The Glasgow Magazine 1770. The Bibliotheck: A Scottish Journal of Bibliography and Allied Topics. 5.4: 142-143. download

------ (1970) Supplemental List of printers booksellers etc. in H.G. Aldis (ed) A List of books printed in Scotland to 1700 AD. 2nd edition. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. pp 180-189. download

------ (1972) Dr. Johnson and the Scots. In Robert Carnie (editor) Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest 4: 19-41. download 

------ (1972) Andrew Foulis the younger: some illustrative letters. The Bibliotheck: A Scottish Journal of Bibliography and Allied Topics 6.4: 93-104. download

------ (1973) The Pitsligo Press of George Hay Forbes: Some additions and corrections. Edinburgh Bibliographical Society Transactions. 4.6: 235-243. download

------ (1973) Samuel Edgerley: Printer in Calabar, 1846-1857. Studies in Bibliography 26: 265-270. download

------ and Maureen Moran (1974) Sir Walter Scott and the Maitland Club. Studies in Scottish Literature 12.1: 51-61. download

------ (1976) Scottish Presbyterian Eloquence and Old Mortality. Scottish Literary Journal 3.2: 51-62. download

------ (1976) Hugh MacDiarmaid and Two Nationalist Periodicals. Direction Line 2:3-8. download

------ (1977) Irish Decorative Bookbindings at Calgary. Amphora 28: 2-8. download

------ (1977) Boswell’s account of Corsica 1768: An Edinburgh Cancel in a Glasgow book. The Book Collector 26.2: 186-194. download

------ (1977-78) Working Class Readers in Eighteenth Century Scotland. The Evidence From Subscription Lists. Scottish Tradition 7/8: 77-94. 

------ (1978) The letters of Robert Foulis to James Beattie. The Bibliotheck: A Scottish Journal of Bibliography and Allied Topics. 9.2&3:33-46. download

------ (1978) The Hume-Hailes Relationship. Forum for Modern Language Studies.14.4:290-302. download

------ (1979) Two Notes on Burns. Studies in Scottish Literature 14: 256-260. download

------ (1980) The Campbeltown Declaration and Its Printer. The Bibliotheck : A Scottish Journal of Bibliography and Allied Topics. 10: 59-67. download

------ (1981) Literary Images of Science and Scientists. Proceedings of the Kananaskis Conference, 1981. 

------ (1982) Alexander Ogstoun and His Family. The Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand. 6.4: 141-148 download

------ (1983) Names in John Galt’s “The Provost”. In J. H. Alexander and David Hewitt (eds) Scott and His Influence. Aberdeen: Assn. for Scottish Lit. Studies. pp. 293-311. download

------ (1984) Some English Alamanak Bindings. Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand. 8.2:98-109. download

------ (1984) John Leighton and the Lyrica Germanica Again. The Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand. 8.4:182-190. download

------ (1987) Scholar Printers of the Scottish Enlightenment, 1740-1800. In Jennifer J. Carter and Joan H Pittock (eds.) Aberdeen and the Enlightenment. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press: pp. 298-308. download

------ (1993) Robert Burns and his 19th Century biographers. In Robert Hay Carnie (editor), The Life and Works of Robert Burns. Twentieth Century Perspectives. Calgary Burns Club. pp. 1-7. download

------ (1998) Hugh MacDiarmid, Robert Burns and the Burns Federation. Studies in Scottish Literature 30: 261-276. download


Book Reviews (select list):

------ (1973) “Review of P. Gaskel. A New Introduction to Bibliography. Oxford”. Library Review 24.1: 22-3.  download 

------ (1974) “Review of H. Simon. (1973) Songs and Words: a History of the Curwen Press. London” Library Review 24.8: 369-370. download

------ (1974) “Review of P.F. Morgan (ed.) (1973) The Letters of Thomas Hood. Toronto” Ariel 5.1: 96-7. download

------ (1976) “Review of J. Wain (1975) Samuel Johnson, New York” Ariel 7.2: 81-3.

------ (1976) “Review of R. B. Hatch (1976) Crabbe’s Arabesque, Montreal”. Canadian Book Review Annual 1:232-3. download

------ (1978) “Review of W. J. Bate (1978) Samuel Johnson, New York” Ariel 9.4: 97-100. download

------ (1979) “Review of Malcolm Chapman (1978) The Gaelic Vision in Scottish Culture, Montreal” Canadian Book Review Annual 4. pg 246-267. download

------ (1980) “Review of David Blowett (1979) Dafoe’s Art of Fiction: Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders, Colonel Jack and Rosana. Toronto: University Toronto Press.” Canadian Book Review Annual 5. Pp. 187-188. download

------ (1983) “Review of Thomas A Clark (1981) Madder Lake. Toronto: Coach House Press.”Canadian Book Review Annual 8. pp. 154. download

------ (1984) “Review of D. Defoe (1982) Roxana, London” University of Toronto Quarterly53.4:422-4. download



------ (1948) Then Full Knowledge Came. Candor 1948. 35-36. download


Unpublished Manuscripts

------. (n.d.) Beadles and Bookbinders in an Ancient University. Ms University of Calgary. download

------. (n.d.) Robert Heron's Description of Scotland. Ms. University of Calgary. download

------. (1989) A collector’s Guide to Victorian and Edwardian Editions of Robert Burns: “Marvels of Cheapness, Elegance and Stirling Worth. Ms. University of Calgary.  download

------ (~1999) Le Style est l’homme meme. Ms. University of Calgary (Note by AC: the file is intriguingly titled “LAR editorial”, but I don’t think this appeared). download


Selected Public Lectures (1989 and later only)

  • January, 1989, no location, “Immortal Memory (in verse)”

  • January, 1990, Glencoe Club, “Immortal Memory (in verse)”

  • 1993 or 1994, Calgary Burns Club, “Burns and the Female Reader”

  • October, 1996, Calgary Burns Club, “Dumfries and Burns”.

  • January 23rd 1998, Royal Canadian Legion. “Immortal Memory”

  • January 1998, Calgary Burns Club, Westin Hotel, “Immortal Memory.”

  • January 1998, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Calgary Branch, Burns Night, “Immortal Memory – Poem”

  • February 2nd, 1998, Schiehallion Scottish Society, “Happy Days: Victoria and Albert’s Romantic Marriage and their Joint love for Scotland.”

  • September 1998, Schiehallion Scottish Society, “Some Well-known songs by Robert Burns Illustrated.”

  • November, 1998, Calgary Burns Club, “Canada and the 1859 Burns Centenary Celebrations”

  • 1999, No location, “The Kilmarnock Mirror”

  • January 5th, 1999, Schiehallion Scottish Society, “Burns and His women”

  • January 1999, Kensington Legion, “Immortal Memory”

  • February 9th, 1999, Calgary Burns Club, “The Star O’ Rabbie Burns”

  • March 26, 1999, Listed as “SA Talk” (Maybe Salvation Army, Dad gave a talk to “In from the cold), “Scotland”

  • October 1999, Schiehallion Scottish Society, “The Young Walter Scott of ‘The Child is father of the Man’.”

  • August, 1999, no location, “Johnson’s Writings: Some Stylistic Considerations”.

  • December 1999, Calgary Burns Club, Immortal Memory in Verse.

  • December 14, 1999, Calgary Burns Club, Archibald Skirving (1749-1819) and his drawing of Robert Burns.

  • May 2000, Scheihallion Scottish Club, “ ‘Law and Order’ in 18th C. Edinburgh, the Case of Miss Burns Vs. the Baillie, with a poetical commentary by Robert Burns.”

  • November 28th, 2000, Calgary, “Eulogy: Robert Willson (1918-2000)”

  • December 8, 2000, Calgary Burns Club “WS-RB” (Walter Scott meets Robert Burns)

  • February 2001, Calgary Burns Club, “Burns and Women”

  • April 2001, Shiehallion Scottish Club, “The Sovereigns of Scotland”.

  • April 2001, Calgary Burns Club, “Arbroath and the Arbroath Declaration.”

  • January 25, 2005, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Calgary Branch Burns Supper, “Three Lyric Poems”

  • January, 2005, Jim Hyne’s private Burns Supper, Immortal memory (in verse)

  • No date, Calgary Burns Club, “St. Andrews: Some rose coloured memories”

  • No date, Calgary Burns Club, “The Poetry of Robert Burns: Two minor textual observations”

  • No date, Calgary Burns Club, “Toast to the Lasses”

  • No date, Calgary Burns Club, “Bindings at Calgary”

  • No date, Schiehallion Scottish Club, “St. Andrew in Scotland”

  • No date, Schiehallion Scottish Club, “Robert Louis Stevenson, (1850-1894)”

  • No date, no location (probably Burns Club), “Duncan Gray Illustrated”

  • No date, no location, “ ‘Illustrations’ in 18th Century Scottish Magazines”

  • No date, no location, Robert Heron’s Description of 18th Century Scotland.


Service and Teaching

Professional and Cultural Associations

  • Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest

  • American Society for 18th Century Studies

  • Canadian Society for 18th Century Studies

  • Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest

  • Canadian Association of Scottish Studies

  • Canadian Bibliographical Society.

  • Bibliographical Society (UK)

  • Edinburgh Bibliographical Society

  • Glasgow Bibliographical Society

  • Association of Canadian University Teachers of English (ACUTE)

  • Calgary Burns Club. (Member 19XX-19YY, Vice President 1985, President 1986, Distinguished Life Member 1987-2007.

  • Scheihallion Scottish Society (Member DATES, Life Member DATES)

Committee Service (Partial List)

  • Academic Council, University of Ife

  • Library Committee (Chair), University of Ife

  • Library Committee, University of Dundee

  • Faculty Senate, University of Dundee

  • General Faculties Council, University of Calgary

  • Institutional Policy and Priorities Committee, University of Calgary

  • Council of the Humanities Institute, University of Calgary

  • Member, Board of Governors, University of Calgary

  • Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Calgary

  • Council of the Division of Information Services, University of Calgary

  • Presidential Tenure Appeals Committee, University of Calgary

  • Budget Committee, Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Calgary

  • Finance Committee, Board of Governors, University of Calgary

  • Library Committee (Chair), University of Calgary

  • Chancellorial selection Committee, University of Calgary

  • The Universities coordinating Committee, Nigeria

  • The Leng Trust, Dundee

  • The University Coordinating Council for the Universities of Alberta

  • Alberta Cultural Heritage Council (Vice Chair, 1983-1984)

  • Council of the Association of University Teachers (Scotland)

  • Council of the Association of University Teachers (UK)

  • Various Departmental curriculum, development and selection committees.


Assessment (Taken from 1986 Curriculum Vitae):

“I have acted as assessor or reader for articles in the following learned journals:Studies in Scottish Literature; Ariel; Philological Quarterly and Studies in 18th Century Culture. I have acted on several occasions as external assessor for the National Endowment for the Humanities (USA) with respect to their bibliographic and research tools program. I have done similar assessment on one occasion for SSHRC (Canada). I have also acted as an assessor for papers delivered at the annual conference of the Association of Canadian University Teachers of English (ACUTE) and as an external assessor for individuals being considered for promotion to full professor at various Canadian Universities. I also served for a number of years as member of the Council of the Humanities Institute, University of Calgary; I have assessed numerous applications for residential and post-graduate fellowships in that Institute”


Community Service

  • Alberta Multicultural Committee - 1984-86 Calgary and Southern Alberta representative for Scottish Societies.

  • Calgary Burns Club - President 1988, Distinguished Member, Life Member. Club Bard

  • Schiehallion Scottish Heritage Society - 1993-2007. 1994-96 Executive member.



(taken from 1986 Curriculum Vitae): “I have taught in the ordinary and honours degree programs in English of all of the universities with which I have been associated, offering a range of topics from Early English poetry to the 20th century novel. Certain areas relating to my research interests have been taught with greater frequency than others. These include: The Johnson circle, the 18th century novel; the Scottish tradition in 19th century literature – Scott, Carlyle etc.; and Shakespeare. I have taught and supervised at the graduate level in the Universities of St. Andrew’s, Dundee and Calgary. Courses offered at the graduate level have included: Pope and Johnson, the Shakespearian scholarly tradition, and analytical and descriptive bibliography. I have supervised theses, at both the MA and PhD levels, dealing with 17th century, 18th Century and Scottish topics: e.g. Glanvil, Ars Moriendi prose, Earl of Buchan, The Scots Magazine, James Boswell and R.B.C. Grahame. I was closely associated with the development of the PhD Program in English at the University of Calgary, both as secretary and Chairman of the department Graduate Committee. I was once of the original three scholars permitted to supervise in this program. I have supervised or examined, to date, over 30 graduate students.”


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